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High Containment DN50 Docking Valve - Active/Manual

For smaller product quantities needing higher containment, Andocksysteme now offers a 2.5” (DN50) split butterfly valve. The success of our production size high containment valve systems lead to the development... Read more

High Containment DN50 Docking Valve - Active/Manual

For smaller product quantities needing higher containment, Andocksysteme now offers a 2.5” (DN50) split butterfly valve. The success of our production size high containment valve systems lead to the development of a new, miniature version of the ASBV split valve technology.

The 2.5” size valve was developed for simple, quick and failsafe manual operation, while offering all advantages of our proven large diameter valves. This valve can be integrated anywhere that higher levels of containment are required, and can even be used in sterile areas or for liquids.

Both the passive and active valves can be fitted to hoses so they do not have to be cleaned before resuming production, resulting in greater time and cost savings.

The exclusive patented locking system for the 2.5” (DN50) valves makes operation much easier and safer by offering “one-hand docking” of the two valve halves.In fact, the unit is mechanically interlocked in such a way that the valves can not be operated at all unless both valves are properly docked together. More simply, faulty operation is impossible.

The standard 2.5” split valve is equipped with EPDM white FDA-compliant seals, but can also be equipped with black conductive PTFE when required.With contamination values at 0.01 μg/m3, similar levels of containment are currently unattainable on other systems without the use of vacuum extraction.

PTFE Seals

A high containment system is only as good as the seals that are used. Ultimately, the sealing materials determine the containment levels achieved.

The PTFE seals used with our valves offer outstanding thermal and chemical resistance properties, while retaining stringent containment levels. This ensures that the valve is even capable of handling the expansion and contraction of the metal parts during the thermal sterilization (> 121ºC) that aseptic processes typically require.

Innovative, new PTFE production techniques, combined with an encapsulated elastomer core, ensure that the finished seal will also meet the highest containment requirements in demanding process pressure and vacuum conditions.

This new manufacturing process results in a seal with a smooth, polished surface, where powder retention is virtually eliminated.

PFTE Seal Properties:

  • Chemical resistance
  • Broad temperature range (-250ºC to +260ºC)
  • FDA-approved material
  • Very low coefficient of friction
  • No absorption of water

PTFE Seal Advantages:

  • Cost savings compared to traditional elastomer seals
  • Sterilization in place (SIP) of docked split-valves is possible
  • Suitable for high containment powders and liquids charging
  • Suitable for chemically aggressive powders and liquids
  • PTFE does not shed seal material into the product
  • Less than 1 μg/m3 containment levels are achievable

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Serving the U.S., Canada & Puerto Rico United States Canada Puerto Rico